Thursday, 20 March 2014

Slow people die faster

According to a study published in PlosOne people whose reaction time is slow or variable are also more likely to die young. The followers of the slow would they be safe? In any case that suggests a study published in PlusOne , conducted by a team from University College London and the University of Edinburgh. Researchers have passed 5134 adults, aged 20-59 years, a simple test reactivity: it was to press a button when an image appeared on a computer screen. This type of measure, say the researchers, is a good indicator of cognitive abilities of individuals.

 And unlike more complex exercises or require to make a choice, it has the advantage of not penalizing undecided or uneducated ... Participants were tested at fifty times without benefit of any prior training. Then the researchers followed them for fifteen years, during which 378 study participants (7.4%) died. Finding researchers: those with the time of the slower reaction at the beginning of the study, as were those whose reaction time varied from one test to another, who were also statistically were most likely to die young. The reflection of a worn central nervous system? The "slow" and had 25% risk of dying young (all causes of death combined) and inconsistent 36% additional risk, regardless of age, gender or ethnic origin. "The socio-economic status, lifestyle factors and cardiovascular risk proved explain partially, but not completely, these associations," the researchers said. Hypothesis raised by Dr Gareth Hagger-Johnson, who led the study: time to slow or variable response reflect a central nervous system deteriorates at the same time as the rest of the body.

Dr. Hagger-Johnson believes that if these results were confirmed by other studies, a simple test reactivity past a doctor could predict life expectancy. Remains unclear whether it is useful to know if you have more or less likely to die 15 years later ... Wisely, the author of the study agrees that "for the moment, a healthy lifestyle is the best thing that people can do to live longer. "

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